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準確模擬時間依賴行為對於驗證應用程式的正確性至關重要。利用 Clock 功能允許開發人員在測試中操縱和控制時間,從而精確驗證渲染時間、超時、排程任務等功能,而不會有即時執行的延遲和變異性。

Clock API 提供以下方法來控制時間:

  • setFixedTime: 設定 Date() 的固定時間。
  • install: 初始化時鐘並允許你:
    • pauseAt: 在特定時間暫停時間。
    • fastForward: 快進時間。
    • runFor: 執行特定時間段。
    • resume: 恢復時間。
  • setSystemTime: 設定當前系統時間。

建議的方法是使用 setFixedTime 將時間設置為特定值。如果這不適用於您的使用案例,您可以使用 install,這允許您稍後暫停時間、快進時間、滴答時間等。setSystemTime 只建議用於高級使用案例。


Page.clock() 覆蓋了與時間相關的原生全域類別和函式,允許手動控制它們:

  • Date
  • setTimeout
  • clearTimeout
  • setInterval
  • clearInterval
  • requestAnimationFrame
  • cancelAnimationFrame
  • requestIdleCallback
  • cancelIdleCallback
  • performance
  • Event.timeStamp


通常你只需要偽造 同時保持計時器運行。這樣時間會自然流動,但 總是返回一個固定值。

<div id="current-time" data-testid="current-time"></div>
const renderTime = () => {
document.getElementById('current-time').textContent =
new Date().toLocaleString();
setInterval(renderTime, 1000);
await page.clock.setFixedTime(new Date('2024-02-02T10:00:00'));
await page.goto('http://localhost:3333');
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:00:00 AM');

await page.clock.setFixedTime(new Date('2024-02-02T10:30:00'));
// We know that the page has a timer that updates the time every second.
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:30:00 AM');


有時候你的計時器依賴,當 的值隨時間不變時會感到困惑。在這種情況下,你可以安裝時鐘並快進到測試時感興趣的時間。

<div id="current-time" data-testid="current-time"></div>
const renderTime = () => {
document.getElementById('current-time').textContent =
new Date().toLocaleString();
setInterval(renderTime, 1000);
// Initialize clock with some time before the test time and let the page load
// naturally. `` will progress as the timers fire.
await page.clock.install({ time: new Date('2024-02-02T08:00:00') });
await page.goto('http://localhost:3333');

// Pretend that the user closed the laptop lid and opened it again at 10am,
// Pause the time once reached that point.
await page.clock.pauseAt(new Date('2024-02-02T10:00:00'));

// Assert the page state.
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:00:00 AM');

// Close the laptop lid again and open it at 10:30am.
await page.clock.fastForward('30:00');
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:30:00 AM');



<div id="remaining-time" data-testid="remaining-time"></div>
const endTime = + 5 * 60_000;
const renderTime = () => {
const diffInSeconds = Math.round((endTime - / 1000);
if (diffInSeconds <= 0) {
document.getElementById('remaining-time').textContent =
'You have been logged out due to inactivity.';
} else {
document.getElementById('remaining-time').textContent =
`You will be logged out in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`;
setTimeout(renderTime, 1000);
<button type="button">Interaction</button>
// Initial time does not matter for the test, so we can pick current time.
await page.clock.install();
await page.goto('http://localhost:3333');
// Interact with the page
await page.getByRole('button').click();

// Fast forward time 5 minutes as if the user did not do anything.
// Fast forward is like closing the laptop lid and opening it after 5 minutes.
// All the timers due will fire once immediately, as in the real browser.
await page.clock.fastForward('05:00');

// Check that the user was logged out automatically.
await expect(page.getByText('You have been logged out due to inactivity.')).toBeVisible();



<div id="current-time" data-testid="current-time"></div>
const renderTime = () => {
document.getElementById('current-time').textContent =
new Date().toLocaleString();
setInterval(renderTime, 1000);
// Initialize clock with a specific time, let the page load naturally.
await page.clock.install({ time: new Date('2024-02-02T08:00:00') });
await page.goto('http://localhost:3333');

// Pause the time flow, stop the timers, you now have manual control
// over the page time.
await page.clock.pauseAt(new Date('2024-02-02T10:00:00'));
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:00:00 AM');

// Tick through time manually, firing all timers in the process.
// In this case, time will be updated in the screen 2 times.
await page.clock.runFor(2000);
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:00:02 AM');
